Bakery Samples for Danforth

This is a TEXT BLOCK. Click edit button to change this text.

You can insert a photo as well (ADD MEDIA) There’s an example below.
In the upper left corner of the text box is a button “Add Media.” Put the cursor where you want the picture to come in, and click on “Add Media.”

The length of the text block is determined by how many lines of text you put in.
Sometimes you can make a whole page inside one text block.

This is Heading 1 (H1)

This is heading 2 (H2)

This is heading 3 (H3)

This is heading 4 (H4)

This is heading 5 (H5)
This is heading 6 (H6)

To get out of heading fonts, go to “Paragraph”.

Text size and font variations

To keep a consistent look
It’s best not to use a lot of different fonts

Bold (B) and Italic (I) are the only options.
The only sizes we have access to are:

– this one – the standard – under Paragraph

– heading5 – the bigger one
– heading 6- the smallest one

This is the end of the TEXT BLOCK

This is a message box. Click edit button to change this text.

There are pre-set looks for Informational (this one), Warning, Error and Success.

I put a SEPARATOR (line across page) and an EMPTY SPACE above to separate it from the text block.
To get an empty space easily, go into “Add Element” (the + sign) and type “empty” in the search field at the top right.  I will pop right up. It’s 32px. You can edit that. The one above is 20px.

Welcome to our club.

A ROW allows you to divide the space into columns.

I added a ROW – made it 2 columns, put a TEXT BOX in this left column, and typed this text in it.

In the right column, I added a SINGLE IMAGE from the MEDIA GALLERY, made it size large, and put it in the centre.

Call to Action - automatic heading line!

You can add a subheading too or to make either line disappear, make it blank


It can be used for anything you want to get viewer’s attention
Heading and sub-heading are normally black but you can change the color – most of the options are flashy and noisy.

I comes without an outline, but allows you to add one – it will be same colour as the heading.

I divided this row into 3 columns
With the image in the middle.
Remember, once you have set
an image you click back in to edit its size.

small, medium, large, etc.

We have a bit of control of font sizes.
This is the default one.

Heading 5 gives this larger size
Here it is bold
Heading 6 is smaller than the default.

This is a message box.
On the right is a “Carousel” slide show. You can select all the images you want in the Media Library and load them all at once.  Then look at the settings below the images and type in the size, if you want it to change automatically, or with a click, in a loop or not.  Ignore the more technical settings.

I am text block.

Above right is an Image Carousel

    This is an “INFO BOX”

    It looks like a regular text box to me.