Instructor Profiles – Danforth-Beaches

 Silvia Wineland


I have been practicing tai chi on the Danforth since 2004. I was very fortunate then to take classes with Mrs. Kwan, Ben Chung, and since 2016, with Patrick Leung, our Tai Chi Journey Senior Instructor.

I learned about tai chi in 1988, as a staff producer at the Rogers Cable Community Channel where I directed and edited a series of 34 shows, Tai Chi, for Health and Relaxation, including a video of  Moy Lin Shin doing the set, which still runs on YouTube.

Tai chi has become an essential part of my life. I couldn’t do without it. It keeps my worn knees from aching.  It keeps me flexible in mind and body. And it has introduced me to a great variety of wonderful people who share the journey.

Timothy Spain

What a privilege to be on the Tai Chi Journey and to share the path with others. Tai chi has become a central practice for me, full of ongoing learning and of rewarding opportunities to teach.

I’m grateful to discover this gentle yet profound way of getting in touch with mind/body/universe. I appreciate its healing effects and the feeling it nurtures of deepening engagement with…everything. And, it’s fun. I love getting together with the gang at Danforth/Beaches to play tai chi, mingle and chatter.

We are especially fortunate in TCJ to have Patrick’s inspiration and guidance and, through him, access to a wealth of experience, knowledge and tradition.

Steve Simpson

I was first introduced to Tai Chi in 2019 at a local cancer support center. Shortly after, I joined TCJ Danforth/Beaches group and have never looked back.
The benefits I have received are incredible, both physically and mentally.
Through regular tai chi practice, I have improved strength, stamina, flexibility, coordination, balance and peace of mind.
Most importantly, I have met a wonderful group of people to share this journey with.
Please join us!