Patrick Leung is the senior instructor
for the Tai Chi Journey clubs.

Patrick is dedicated both to teaching new students and to helping experienced students refine their tai chi and lok hup to develop the internal aspects of their practice.
To learn more about his approach, go to Our Teaching.
With a strong background in martial arts, Patrick brings a deep understanding of the roots of tai chi and the health benefits of practicing this form.
In 1983, Patrick started his studies of tai chi and internal arts with the late Master Moy Lin-shin. Master Moy asked him to provide translation for many of his classes and also to teach. Patrick taught tai chi after work programs, as well as many after school programs in the Greater Toronto area.
Patrick started studying the external martial arts at age 15. He holds a 2nd degree black belt in taekwando, and was a visiting taekwando instructor in an ITF (International Taekwon-Do Federation) school in Wuhan, China.
As an adult, working in China for many years, Patrick continued his study of the internal martial arts with local masters in Wuhan, Guang Zhou and Hong Kong.
Patrick continues his dedication to the internal arts and teaches tai chi, lok hup (lokhupbafa) and qigong.
Patrick teaches in Thornhill, Mississauga, Oshawa and at Danforth/Beaches.
He offers in depth zoom courses on specific aspects of Tai chi.
He also offers special workshops at our clubs and, when invited, leads workshops with other groups practicing tai chi and lokhup.
Patrick acts as a guide for our Tai Chi Journey.