2018 began with regular Monday evening classes at St. Barnabas on the Danforth.

In March we started a second evening session in the elegant church hall of St. Paul and St. Simon the Apostle Anglican Church (“St. Simon’s”) on Bloor between Parliament and Sherbourne.
This gives continuing students a chance to practice refinements for moves that Patrick teaches on Monday. Beginners are welcome to join in and work on moves they are learning as well.

We spent July and August in Withrow Park where tai chi is free (we don’t have to pay rent) and anyone can join us to try it out.
We shared the park with dusk dancers, Shakespearean drama and acrobats.
It’s a great community space.

In September, we held our annual Open House, inviting people to join us to learn about tai chi, to practice with us and to attend a free trial class the following week. In October, the new beginner’s class began.

In November a group from Danforth attended Patrick’s Qigong workshop at the Thornhill club.

Our plan for 2019 is to add a regular Friday morning class. We are currently doing a location search.
We look forward to another year on the tai chi journey together.